With this application, you can quickly find out what number the number corresponds to. For example, if you search for "7", the app will tell you if the number is a prime number, a palindrome number, a happy number, a harshad number, etc.・Corresponding Number TheoryPrime numberFibonacci numberPalindrome numberArmstrong numberHappy numberSad numberCircular Prime NumberPerfect SquarePerfect CubeHarshad NumberDuck NumberSpy NumberAutomorphic numberStrobogrammatic NumberDisarium NumberEmirp Number・Functions1. when you enter a number, you can immediately determine what the number theory is. 2. displays a modal with the meaning of the number theory and an example when tapped.・Displays a modal with the meaning of the number theory and an example when tapped.===1. Prime number2. A prime number is a natural number greater than 1 that has no positive divisors other than 1 and itself.3. Example: 2,3,5,7...===1. Harshad Number2. A Harshad number is a number that is divisible by the sum of its digits.3. Example: 18...===1. Armstrong number2. An Armstrong number is a number that is equal to the sum of cubes of its digits.3. Example: 153,370,371,407...===1. Palindrome number2. A palindrome number is a number that is the same when read forwards or backwards.3. Example: 121,12321...===1. Automorphic number2. An automorphic number is a number whose square "ends" in the same digits as the number itself.3. Example: 5, 6, 25, 76, 376, 625===1. Emirp Number2. An emirp number is a prime number that results in a different prime when its digits are reverse.3. Example: 13, 17, 31, 37...